Tuesday, March 3, 2009

200 miles!!!

I hit the 200 mile mark today, sleeveless! Ran 5 miles along the Rio Grande and it was really really nice to be outside and enjoying a warm breeze.  It wasn't the greatest run, rather a bit of a run/walk for the first couple miles, the last three were better. My legs were pretty tight which I expected given my mileage over the weekend. I was also up at 4:30AM to catch my flight, so I didn't have a lot of energy for running.  

I like Albuquerque. The people are really friendly. My hotel is great and the food I had today was amazing. I'm looking forward to the next few days and seeing my colleagues from New Zealand, Australia and elsewhere. 

1 comment:

  1. As in the imortal words of the great Bugs Bunny "should of made a left turn at Alburquerque" hope your having agreat time. Grant
