Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Back on the trail with Jack!

Jack and I resumed our running today after I picked him up at the kennel. He was sooooooo happy to see me and I was equally excited to bring him home. We hit the trail over the lunch hour and did a short four/three mile run (Jack 26 miles, Caroline 40 miles).  Jack gets an extra mile today because I walked the loop at the dog park and he ran and ran and ran with his dog buddies. It was a gorgeous sunny warm day and we had the pleasure of meeting some very nice people and their dogs. When I explained our 1000 mile goal to raise money for New Hope Dog Rescue I found out that they also had connections to this wonderful organization. The beautiful brown Husky X above with his owner (and Jack) is a New Hope Dog Rescue dog just like Jack. With the other big Husky the two of them played and played until all three dogs laid down in the snow from exhaustion. Jack and I also met another dog/human running team on our way home and stopped and had a little visit with them (pic above). Let's just say it was a sociable run today; we took our time, enjoyed the hot weather and the great people we met along the way!

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