Monday, July 13, 2009

Sunday evening fish fry

I didn't find time to get out for a run on Sunday. I presented in the afternoon and then attended a session following mine. Susan Ashton, a colleague of mine who lives in Yellowknife kindly invited me to join a group working in food security for dinner. We were taken by boat to a great spot on the lake. The photos above are of our trip including pictures of the house boats that speckle the lake. They are so cute but I have no idea how people live on them. I was told that some people even live on the house boats year round. 
The evening was wonderful. I had a chance to meet new friends and spend some time with old friends. We were treated to a fish fry that can only be described as amazing. I have not had fish that good in years. I couldn't stop eating!!!! After dinner we watched a float plane fly into the cove. Much to our surprise a man who had spoken to us in Yellowknife jumped out of the plane with ice cream for our dessert. He told us in Yellowknife that he was delivering ice cream but we thought he was joking. A second plane arrived and the pilot was so kind to give one of the woman who had never been in a float plane a ride back to Yellowknife. Northern hospitality is everywhere up there!
The last photo is of the sun set after 11 PM as we were heading back to Yellowknife. It is strange to have sunlight this late at night and I have to admit it tricks you into thinking you are not as tired as you really are. Usually by 11 PM I'm unable to keep my eyes open; not in Yellowknife!!!! Maybe 24 hour sunlight is what I need to revive my party girl spirit :)....hmmmm, no, I don't think so, I need my 8 hours. 

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