Wednesday, October 14, 2009

So where are all the squirrels in Saskatoon?

I ran 5 miles late afternoon (792 miles). It felt warmer than last night which I hope is a sign that our weather is improving. I met a really nice woman on the trail and she was kind enough to let me take a picture for my blog. The trail is pretty empty these days with only a few cyclist and runners braving the colder weather. I think this is the season where all the die hards keep running outside while others head in doors. If it gets much colder I'll  head indoors too with the wimps because I absolutely hate cold weather.
I plan to plant tulips this weekend. When I lived in Montreal I had to cover my flower bed with chicken wire because the squirrels would steal the bulbs as soon as I put them in the ground. I was worried the same thing would happen in Saskatoon until I realized that there are no squirrel in the city, not even on the river bank. Now I guess you could argue that we have thousands of ground squirrels but I don't consider gophers real squirrel. A squirrel should have a bushy tail and run up trees. So I asked around and for reasons unknown there are no squirrels in this city. There are squirrels up at Emma Lake and in MacDowall but not one in Saskatoon. I wonder what happened? I googled "where are the squirrels in Saskatoon" and didn't come up with much except an absolutely amazing blog belonging to a Saskatoon wildlife photographer. His pictures make my photography look pretty unimpressive, but I guess I am running and using a little Cannon sureshot as opposed to his high tech lenses and cameras. The blog can be found at:  It is really amazing.

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