Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A few more miles

Jack and I have been enjoying this wonderful weather. We have completed another 23 miles (Caroline 130 miles, Jack 119 miles). In the past couple weeks we have been to Prince Albert (work) and North Battleford (fun). Jack particularly enjoyed going to the farm in North Battleford where he played with Buddy, Skender and Ethan on the pond. Our running has been going slow but we are moving along toward our goal. The running path is drying up and there are a larger number of runners, walkers, bikers and dogs on the trail. Poor Jack has had a couple bad encounters with other dogs, one bit his nose and another got away from his owner and took after Jack. Jack is a big guy but very gentle so I've learnt that all of the new dogs on the trail may not all be dogs that we want to visit with. Despite the few problems we have had, Jack is enjoyed being on the trail. He is improving on the leash however once in awhile he still stops dead, sometimes with me not realizing until I'm flying backwards :)

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